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The SRMBOK Risk Treatment Schedule template is an editable MS Word document based on template 13.3 from the Security Risk Management Body of Knowledge (SRMBOK). It is designed to help you systematically document and manage risk treatment actions. This ensures that each risk identified in your risk register is addressed with appropriate treatment options, responsibilities, and timelines.


Sections and Instructions


  • Header Information

    • Date: Record the date when the risk treatment schedule is prepared.
    • Assessed by: Note the name of the person or team who conducted the risk assessment.
  • Function or Activity

    • Function or Activity: Specify the function or activity to which this risk treatment schedule applies.
  • Risk Treatment Table

    • The risk: Identify the risk as listed in the risk register.
    • Possible treatment options: List all possible treatment options for the identified risk.
    • Preferred options: Indicate the preferred treatment options from the possible options listed.
    • Risk rating after treatment: Assign a risk rating to the risk after the preferred treatment option is implemented.
    • Result of cost-benefit analysis: Summarize the outcome of the cost-benefit analysis for the preferred treatment options.
    • Person responsible for implementation: Name the person or team responsible for implementing the selected treatment option.
    • Timetable for implementation: Provide a detailed timeline for the implementation of the treatment options.
    • How will risk and the treatment options be monitored and reviewed: Describe the process and frequency of monitoring and reviewing the risk and the effectiveness of the treatment options.
  • Decision on Treatment Options

    • A: Accept B: Reject of option: Indicate whether the treatment option is accepted (A) or rejected (B).
  • Footer Information

    • SRMBOK Guides and Templates: Mention that additional guides and templates are available from the SRMBOK website (


Steps for Implementation


  • Preparation

    • Gather all relevant information from the risk register and previous assessments.
    • Convene a team meeting to discuss and agree on the possible and preferred treatment options.
  • Completing the Template

    • Fill out each section of the template accurately and thoroughly.
    • Ensure that the risk ratings and cost-benefit analysis are based on reliable data and sound judgment.
  • Review and Approval

    • Review the completed template with key stakeholders and obtain necessary approvals.
    • Make sure the responsible persons are aware of their roles and the implementation timeline.
  • Implementation

    • Execute the treatment options as per the schedule.
    • Monitor the progress and document any deviations from the plan.
  • Monitoring and Review

    • Regularly monitor the effectiveness of the treatment options.
    • Conduct periodic reviews to ensure that the risk levels are maintained within acceptable limits.


By following these instructions, you can effectively utilize the SRMBOK Risk Treatment Schedule template to manage and mitigate risks in your organization.

SRMBOK Template 13.3 Risk Treatment Schedule

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